
About this BIP

Onsite Workshops (2nd - 6th of June, 2025)

Monday,2nd of June Tuesday,3rd of June Wednesday, 4th of June Thursday, 5th of June Friday, 6th of June
10:00 – 10:45 Welcome Session (Main Lecture Room) Workshop: Leading Across Cultures Workshop: Applied Creativity Workshop in Design Thinking Workshop: EduScrum Framework
10:45 – 11:30 Workshop: How to make Presentations in Public
11:30 – 12:00 Workshop: Effective and Appropriate Communication Skills Workshop: Creating Champions  
12:00 – 12:45 Workshop: Leadership, Soft Skills, and Performativity Workshop: Data Driven Citizenship for young leaders Application: Stutents’ Presentations of their EduScrum Project
12:45 – 13:30 Workshop: EduScrum Framework Workshop: When Technology Meets Market Forces
13:30 – 15:00 Lunch Break
15:00 – 15:45 Workshop: EduScrum Framework

Excursion to Stavros Beach


Workshop: EduScrum Framework Workshop: When Technology Meets Market Forces
15:45 – 16:30


Apply your soft skill through the eduScrum framework – Workshop

Willy Wijnards

EduScrum (Netehrlands)

Kristina Fritsh

EduScrum (Netehrlands)

How to make a presentation in puplic

Konstantinos Petridis
Associate Professor, Vice Rector of Internationalization & Extroversion HMU, IRO

George Kakavelakis
(HMU, Greece)

Effective and Appropriate Communication – Workshop

Samia Zeid
(WGC, Israel)

The session aims to cultivate communication strategies that enable leaders to express their vision clearly, build meaningful connections with others and foster collaboration with confidence and empathy. Special emphasis will be placed on the use of diplomatic language and the development of other language-related skills.

Leadership, Soft Skills and Performativity – Workshop

Yoel Tawil
(HIT, Israel)

Leaders are neither born nor made, and soft skills aren’t innate or always acquired. Both leadership and soft skills are performed. This session harnesses insights from creativity studies and playback theater to demonstrate how these skills are enacted before an audience or other social actors. Whether drawn from authentic or simulated experiences, students will learn to augment or create empathy, creativity, and leadership and craft a convincing performance whose elements can later be internalized as part of a personal set of soft skills

Design thinking for leadership

Yelda Ozturk
(FONTYS, Netherlands)

Ralph Peters
(FONTYS, Netherlands)

When Technology Meets Market Forces

Nava Shaked
(HIT. Israel)

Data Driven Citizenship for young Leaders


Stefania Oikonomou

(W2L. Greece)

Applied Creativity


Elad Segev

(HIT. Israel)

Leading Across Cultures


Anna Stefanowicz

(University of Applied Sciences in Tamow, Poland)

Creating Champions: How Great Leader Build Great Teams


Agniezka Zielinska

University of Bielsko-Biala, Poland